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Mar 2017

Place: Ajmer Junction Train Station

First time our train had run late, but turns out this is somewhat normal. We’d just encountered some miracle streak of luck til now. If you get the Indian Train Status app, it’s easy to keep track of platform changes and late arrivals and such.

Since we were noobs, we weren’t aware of the situation and boarded the first train that came to the platform after the supposed arrival time. Thankfully Tommy thought to confirm with the people sitting next to us if this was the right train and they said no.

In the end our train was an hour and a half late, and that wasn’t even the latest we’ve had since… Also, for this train we were waitlisted, and only 15 minutes before did we get informed that we got seats. Apparently even when you’re waitlist 90 or so, it’s still okay, because the military books up lots of seats everyday in case they need them, and usually they don’t so they get released right before.

Food: Mirinda

We see this offered a lot in restaurants, but whenever we got it, they just gave us Fanta instead. Finally found it actually sold as advertised. Don’t know what I was expecting, but it tasted just like Fanta.

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